
Sunday, December 2, 2018

Birding On a Shoestring: Brevard County Florida--The Final Act

                                                                 Osprey with Fish

                                                            Magnificent Frigatebird

                                                               Black-bellied Plover

                                                                   Ruddy Turnstone

                                                                       Royal Tern


                                                                    Laughing Gull

                                                             Laughing Gull, View 2


                                                                     Black Scoters

                                                                Black Scoters, View 2

                                                                     Northern Gannet

70's/partly cloudy/windy

Most of the day was spent on the sand in Cocoa Beach off South Atlantic Ave. post Thanksgiving.  The Magnificent Frigatebird showed up early, and several were seen, which is proving that pelagics are not only near land during breeding season.

The early birds were the gulls, terns, pelicans, Osprey, Dunlin, Black-bellied Plover, and Willets, among several others.

When the sun started cresting toward the west, it brought out the pelagics.  The Northern Gannet was seen on the horizon, and I believe this photo was nearly a good half mile off.  The Black Scoters were also all day birds, but these sea ducks wandered closer as time marched on.  I don't think that they would have come any closer.

It was a wonderful final day, but unfortunately all good things come to an end.  But see the other two adventures here:

120218 Muskogee Edition, Birding Today